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No Till Drill Available for Rent
ASWCD purchased an Esch 5612 no till drill and it is now available to rent! For more information about the no till drill, renting, and/or the benefits of using it, click below:

Adams Soil and Water Conservation District is looking for another board member from Meadows Valley. If you own land in Adams County, you are eligible to serve on the board. Please contact us if you are interested!
ASWCD Go On Scholarship

ASWCD Scholarship Application

For more than 50 years, the Adams Soil & Water Conservation District has been assisting landowners in the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in Adams County, Idaho. We continue to help agricultural producers and other area landowners in voluntarily implementing best management practices (BMPs) to conserve our land and water resources for today and tomorrow.
Our programs are voluntary and non-regulatory.
We coordinate with many partner agencies to provide science-based technical assistance and financial incentives.
Contact us to learn how we may be able to help you maintain healthy, productive soil, water and other resources.

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